Timber Doodle Adventure Race
25 April 2009

For those of you who are unaware the Timber Doodle is another name for the American Woodcock - being a bird we are working on adding several ropes elements to the race course to get you un into the air!

This 10 hour race for teams of two will begin at Dexter Park in Wood County Wisconsin (near Pittsville) will consist of the aforementioned Ropes Elements, Mountain Biking, Orienteering, and Canoeing. The usual team challenges will also be found throughout the race course.

It is a USARA Sanctioned race for teams of two, with male, female, and co-ed divisions.

Look to the sidebar on the left for a link to the registration page!
Contact David Puhl with any questions at dpuhl999@uwsp.edu
See you at the race!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

2009 Pictures!

Here they are finally!

Sorry for the long delay in posting these, we've been working through some website things (like exactly how to make and use them) and I think we've got the picture situation figured out for the time being.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Results are in!

Follow this link to the Race webpage to view them. Congratulations to everyone involved!

Pictures will be coming soon, keep your eyes peeled!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Update 4/22/09

All of the last minute stuff is coming together and the race is looking AWESOME! I hope you are all ready for a lot of fun and wishing for the weather to be nice as much as I am.


The place to be the morning of April 25, 2009:
Dexter Park, Wood County, WI

When to be there:
Registration: 7:45-8:15am
Race Briefing: 8:15am
START: 9:00am

The Address for Dexter Park is 8200 State Highway 54, Pittsville, WI 54466 (Town of Dexter). If you do an online map this will not take you directly to the shelter, access to the Shelter area where registration will be is off of Highway 80, just north of Hwy 54 headed west. You should be able to at least see that something is going on there.

This is a USARA sanctioned race, so if you do not already have a membership you will need to purchase insurance in order to participate. The cost is $8 for the day, and $35 for the year, so if you think you are going to 4 or more USARA sanctioned events over the next year the $35 is worth it (We will be hosting at least one more USARA event in that time).

Once you are registered we will have an area set aside for anyone who wants to get their pace (the distance between your steps), and for at least a short period of time there will be a volunteer reviewing orienteering basics with anyone who wishes.


Everything on the gear list of course! I’ve had a few questions, so to clarify, all your bike gear will only need to be on you for bike portions of the race. The reason some of it wound up on the “Team Gear” section of the list is because there only need to be one of those items per team. With that said, this is a completely unsupported race, meaning that whatever gear you leave behind will stay there until you come get it.
If you bring your own canoes to the race we will give you directions to the canoe drop at registration.


Be forewarned - It is tick season, bug spray is recommended! For those of you that know the details I won’t bore you, but if you’d like a little basic info on ticks in Wisconsin can be found at this website:

There is Poison Ivy in the area as well, so just keep that in mind as you are taking off your race clothes. One of our sponsors, Zanfel, has a great FAQ about Poison Ivy here:

Chances are that you will encounter wet areas during the race as well, so keep an eye on the weather and bring appropriate clothing. My personal recommendation is lots of extra socks, and don’t forget to change them from time to time.

It’s going to be an amazing day - I hope you all are as excited about the race as I am!

See you at the race!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Minor Updates

In addition to online registration, printable registration forms are available at the race website for printing. Mailing instructions can be found on the forms.

Also, there has been a mionr adjustment to the gear list... some of the Mountain Biking Gear has been moved to the team gear section to clarify that only one is needed for each team, not one per-person.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Gear List

Here is the gear list for the 2009 Timber Doodle!

For a downloadable file go the this webpage!

Mandatory Team Gear:
First Aid Kit:
Medical Tape
Adhesive Bandages (4)
Mole Skin (1” X 1” Minimum)
Antibiotic Ointment Packet (2)
Oral Pain Reliever (2 Adult Doses)
Electrolyte Replacement Tablets
Waterproof Map Case
Writing Utensil
Compass (1 Per Person Reccomended)
Small Folding Knife
Cell Phone (Turned Off)
Waterproof Container for Cell Phone (Ziplocks are OK)
Waterproof Matches or Lighter
Headlamp (1 Spare Set of Batteries)
Tire Pump
Bike Multi-tool
Tire Lever
Chain Repair Tool

Mandatory Personal Gear:
60 oz. Fluid Container
Long Pants
Waterproof Jacket (Pants Also Recommended)
Long Sleeve Synthetic Shirt
Full-finger Leather Gloves (Thick, for Ropes Elements)
Emergency Blanket

Mountain Bike Gear:
Mountain Bikes (Mountain or Hybrid Tires Only)
Approved Mountain Bike Helmet
Spare Tube
Rear Light

Optional Gear: The following gear will be provided by the Adventure Racing Club. However if you have your own gear and would simply prefer to use that just let us know!
Ropes Gear:
Climbing Harness
Locking Carabineers
Canoe Gear: