Timber Doodle Adventure Race
25 April 2009

For those of you who are unaware the Timber Doodle is another name for the American Woodcock - being a bird we are working on adding several ropes elements to the race course to get you un into the air!

This 10 hour race for teams of two will begin at Dexter Park in Wood County Wisconsin (near Pittsville) will consist of the aforementioned Ropes Elements, Mountain Biking, Orienteering, and Canoeing. The usual team challenges will also be found throughout the race course.

It is a USARA Sanctioned race for teams of two, with male, female, and co-ed divisions.

Look to the sidebar on the left for a link to the registration page!
Contact David Puhl with any questions at dpuhl999@uwsp.edu
See you at the race!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

2009 Pictures!

Here they are finally!

Sorry for the long delay in posting these, we've been working through some website things (like exactly how to make and use them) and I think we've got the picture situation figured out for the time being.

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